Journaling Exercise: Getting to Know Your Parts
When we can witness, acknowledge and understand the different parts of us, they become less reactive and more flexible.
Why journal around this?
Journaling is like a mental workout. We all know that exercise is good for our body and ideally is done on a daily basis.
The same is true for our minds. Taking a little bit of time to step back and do some reflection can really open things up and be a game changer. It helps us step out of compulsive, unwanted behaviors or patterns and into more conscious, freed up and vibrant living.
Invitation to Journal:
Notice a part of you that is showing up now or has shown up a lot this past week (Anxious part, angry part, people-pleasing part, numbed/checked out part, over-eating part).
Pay attention and write out any current emotions, body sensations and thoughts that are associated with this part.
How has this part been trying to help you? What would happen if it didn't show up or wasn't there?
What is it needing from you? Do you notice what happens when you acknowledge it and try to understand it?
How long has it been with you? What is your history with this part? What memories does it bring up?
As you connect with these emotions and body sensations, gently float back to any memories that arise and are associated to this. Stay curious and open as you do this. Don’t try to find the perfect or right memory (that is often you getting caught in your head and not present), just see what shows up.
Example: Angry part
Thoughts: "No one is appreciating what I do here!!"
Emotions: Anger, rage
Body sensations: clenched fists, tension in head, beginning of possible migraine, slightly numbed/adrenaline sensation
This part helps me by not letting me feel like I'm getting walked on. This part really wants me to have boundaries and for people to know I'm not weak and won't be treated like a fool.
This parts needs to know that I can keep myself safe. It needs to know what safety feels like. Not just with words, but it actually needs to know I can create a feeling of safety in my body. If not, it will get very reactive and lash out.
It needs to know that I can communicate my needs, that I am connected to my needs and I can speak them to others. It again needs to know that I understand how long it's been trying to protect me and had to protect me when I was much younger and even more vulnerable.
It needs to know there were a lot of times growing up when I was not protected. It needs some of those stories to be listened to and understood and felt with some kindness and care.
How has this part been trying to help you? What does this part need?
See how this exercise can open things up inside? Underneath the surface level anger there is a whole world of feelings and memories that can be understood.
Take the time to do this exercise for yourself this week. Bring kindness, openness and understanding to all the parts of you in this way and see what it can open up for you.
New understanding, new ways of being.
The next steps if you want to learn more: call 816-775-2448 or email to schedule a session or get a free consult over the phone.