Do you feel that your past continues to invade your present-day experiences? Do you wish to be able to have satisfying relationships that don’t end up in repeated bouts of fighting and disconnection because your emotions got the best of you?
Like a foreign object in the body can cause infection, emotional trauma can fester inside the body and soul causing all kinds of painful psychological and physical symptoms.
In my practice, I utilize a powerful tool for addressing and resolving deep emotional wounds: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR therapy has been extensively researched and proved highly effective for the treatment of trauma and many other issues including anxiety, depression and addictions. It can significantly shorten the length of treatment, particularly when dealing with specific traumatic memories from the past. Most people begin to feel relief quickly in the specific area that is addressed.
Instead of the past re-playing itself as a big screen TV right in front of you, EMDR helps shift these memories to a small black and white tube in the corner of the room. The memory may still be there, but its debilitating effect on your present day life will not. Find out more information on EMDR here.